2001-2006 | Two necklaces made from finger and toe nails, collected between 2001 - 2006. Cast in gold and silver. Decadence in Collection Marzée.

Decadence Renaissance

  • Exhibitions »2005In Corporer, Biennale for Contemporary Jewellery, Musée des Beaux-Artes, Nîmes/France.2004Is there really cat in cat food? Boardroom Academy of Arts in Munich/Germany. Class Otto Künzli.Tatort/VIP, Gallery Marzeé, Nijimigen/The Netherlands. Class Otto Künzli.
  • Publications »2013Kunsthåndverk, Norwegian craft Magazine, Nr 3 and 4, page 12 - 19.2012Baltic Jewellery, nr 22 page 56-59.2008Des Wahnsinns Fette Beute, Arnoldsche Art Publisher. ISBN 978-3-89790-281-7Nanna Melland, Publication supported by the Debut Prize at the Art Academy of Munich.2007Mock Up, Magazine for Design, p. 28,29,30. 2006Kunsthåndverk, Norwegian Craft Magazine. Nr 99, p. 36, 37. Unlimited, presenting jewellery out of the box. Amsterdam, Munich, Tokyo.Tatort Mark Your Territory, Marzee Magazine Nr 50. 2005New Directions in Jewellery, Black Dog Publishing. ISBN 1-904-7722-19-62004Tatort VIP, Marzee Magazine Nr 38. Art and Design International Jewellery Magazine, p 21, 22.
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